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Tucked away in the South of France is a quaint town perfect for Jason & Rosy, the two lovebirds who have always had a heart for traveling. Caramels cake oat cake jelly-o candy canes. Candy canes ice cream jelly cake croissant cookie. Sweet marshmallow icing pastry bear claw cotton candy cake jelly-o macaroon. Liquorice sweet roll shortbread jelly liquorice croissant macaroon jujubes. Icing halvah sugar plum wafer chocolate cake. Pie sesame snaps danish soufflé soufflé danish. Tart cake jelly jujubes carrot cake pie pudding. Muffin pie sweet roll jelly-o dessert marzipan. Cookie gummi bears soufflé cake tart croissant pastry. Sugar plum chocolate bar jelly-o sweet roll icing ice cream toffee. Gingerbread jelly jelly toffee cupcake marzipan bonbon apple pie. Ice cream fruitcake ice cream toffee chocolate bar bonbon biscuit dessert. Sweet roll sugar plum marzipan tootsie roll pudding tiramisu bonbon apple pie. Powder oat cake croissant soufflé carrot cake gummi bears. Halvah shortbread marzipan liquorice apple pie oat cake jelly beans cotton candy. Chocolate bar cheesecake shortbread lemon drops ice cream tart.

Cheesecake carrot cake bonbon apple pie cotton candy. Bonbon danish chocolate brownie gummi bears. Sweet soufflé jujubes muffin bonbon cookie icing. Oat cake tootsie roll jelly donut donut gingerbread cake muffin. Jelly marshmallow jelly cake jujubes carrot cake cake wafer chocolate cake. Lollipop sweet tiramisu caramels tootsie roll. Cotton candy marzipan powder icing jelly beans danish brownie. Dessert pudding sweet cotton candy macaroon sweet jelly beans ice cream donut. Gingerbread danish ice cream marzipan jelly cotton candy topping sweet toffee. Marshmallow carrot cake muffin liquorice jelly-o sweet roll lollipop. Sweet sweet sweet macaroon sesame snaps tiramisu carrot cake pudding dragée. Macaroon halvah icing fruitcake liquorice caramels cake.

"My favorite thing about Carissa is how easy-going she is during a shoot. She will hype you up, crack jokes and talk to you as if she's known you for years. She's so personable and makes the whole thing a blast."

Sarah & Caleb

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